Friday, 27 February 2015

Demo and Donate Site

Demo and Donate Site

We, The Brothers Win have been hard at work with Battlefield Royale. A project where we endeavour to deliver a miniature war game experience like no other.

To show our committment and belief in the game, we have a free demo that we're sure you'll have a lot of fun with.

The demo, when ready for download, will be available at our Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/battlefieldroyale/

You can also donate to our cause while we develop the game. The funds will go towards promotion and improving the game. Click below or on the Google Site link to contribute to a superior game system.

To continue back to our blog posts, click:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldroyale

Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/battlefieldroyale/

Website: (Under Construction)

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

W40k VS Infinity

Two universes collided on the tabletop!

We did some play testing for our demo conversions. This time it was Chaos Space Marines (40k) against various Infinity models.

Over the course of 80 minutes we played 5 Skirmish Games up to about 130 points. Being a long time 40k player, it was interesting being able to fight against models from a different universe, so to speak.

One of the three objectives - a mysterious orb...

We played using objectives that generated Conquest Points each turn that yielded a sum at the end of the game.

I had 6 Chaos Marines running around, sometimes as lone models while one game they were a whole unit. The Infinity force had 2 strong models and several weaker troopers who also experimented with several unit groupings and tactics.

The data from the games have allowed us to fine tune our conversion table for Infinity in the demo :)