Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Mass Play Tests


So, had a LOT of play tests in the last couple months, knuckling down on making the game (and the profile creator) the best it can be.

In the next blog entry, I hope to have a video of the profile design software in action. Look out for that one!

These battles mostly used the Warsurge Profile Creator, but some used a GW codex (CSM in two games). These aren't all the games played, but here's the contents for today:

- 3 Player Free For All
- Skirmish: Hordes vs. Infinity vs. 40k
- 4 Player Free For All: 40k vs. Age of Sigmar
- 3 Player Free For All: Warhammer 40k
- 4 Player Free For All: 40k vs. Halo (Megabloks)
- 1 vs. 1: Iron Warriors vs. Mechanosaur
- 1 vs. 1: Plague Marines vs. Super Zombies

Just scroll down if you want to see pics and read about a particular battle. The Skirmish one was different but very interesting.

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Back to the Games
Here are the highlight pictures and a brief cap of the games:

3 Player Free For All

This really tested if three player can truly be balanced... and the answer is yes! But you need to dangle a carrot on a stick for players who go more central.

And if you're wondering who won - Eldar came out on top, followed by Chaos. Necrons were by no means weak - they were very imposing despite the final score.

Chaos Space Marines used their 40k Codex, while the other two armies were made using the Warsurge Profile Creator.

Skirmish: Hordes vs. Infinity vs. 40k

Now this was interesting, and a milestone event. After witnessing a game of Infinity, I wanted to compare it to Warsurge's Skirmish system, ours of which featured 'Action Points' over a normal game. The result? The Infinity player described it as 'fluid and seamless'. Felt good to hear that :)

As for the game itself, we have in one corner some Infinity figures and in the other, some Druids from Hordes!

The Skirmish Game was 150 points.

There was also several follow up games (what can I say, it was fun!) featuring more Hordes minis, Plague Marines from 40k and on another day, Orks against Deathwing Terminators!

In the games, there were three objectives. The player with the most Conquest Points at the end of the game won.

In the first game, it was the druids/werewolves who beat the Infinity guys, while in the second, the druids beat the plague marines.

4 Player Free For All: 40k vs. Age of Sigmar

In this play test, there were five objectives. Holding one uncontested would give the player a Conquest Point at the end of the Game Turn.

The game was 1000pts in size, and our combatants this time were:

One Imperial Knight (made with Warsurge Software)
Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines (Daemon Prince was custom via Warsurge, rest through Codex)
Chaos Fantasy (Age of Sigmar - but made through Warsurge)
Chaos Space Marines (GW CSM Codex)

The game was intense. It looked as though the Imperial Knight was going to win, but a well played last minute strategy by the Chaos Fantasy player stole victory at the last minute. Well done!

3 Player Free For All: Warhammer 40k

In this game, it was only 40k miniatures being used, but all had full custom Warsurge profiles. In the game were: Plague Marines, Dark Angels and a lone Imperial Knight. The game was 1000 points.

The goal was to capture objectives and slay the enemy. It was a tight contest between the Plague Marines with their 'Plagueblade' against the Imperial Knight. The Dark Angels also fought well.

The Imperial Knight won this game.

4 Player Free For All: 40k vs. Halo

In this game, in addition to some 40k factions, we had a friend with Megabloks come over. They were Halo themed and had profiles made for them on the Warsurge software, just like the other combatants:

Space Marines
Dark Angels
Plague Marines

We all agreed that the 40k Players unlocked the Xbox achievement 'Meet the Spartans' (just kidding). The winner in this game was the Dark Angels!

1 vs. 1: Iron Warriors vs. 'Mechanosaur'

Similar to the rampaging Imperial Knight, there was a game featuring a robot dinosaur. Armed to the teeth (no pun intended) there were two games played testing the software with this beast.

In the first game, a Deathmatch, the Iron Warriors and the Mechanosaur were a tie. In the second, the Iron Warriors didn't fare so well - the metal monstrosity won.

As the Iron Warrior player, all I can say is, "Lucky I had a unit with Stalker Bolters." Though, it wasn't to be my salvation in this case, but contribute to a more graceful defeat.

As a side note, I had deliberately taken a balanced army and not one made to deliberately kill it, in order to test how one would go in a random battle - not knowing what one was up against.

1 vs. 1: Plague Marines vs. Super Zombies

In the most recent play test, we had Plague Marines fighting against 'Super Zombies'. Was only a small test, but was interesting nonetheless.

The Plague Marines were victorious in this game, but the zombies were certainly an interesting choice with the Invade Perk (similar to Infiltrate for you 40k players out there).

And that's it!

Next entry, hope to show some snippets of the Profile Creator in action. It will be good to hear feedback on what is probably the key element of this whole project.

Peace guys! (or should I say, 'War!'?)

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Warsurge-1538527369699453/

Free E-Book: http://ironphantasm.wix.com/bfr-revolution

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