Thursday, 2 April 2015

Eggsterminatus - Easter Battle - 1000pts!

Easter Eggsterminatus - Blood Angels Vs. Emperor's Children and... iconic foes?

And here we have it... although perhaps not as grand as our Christmas Battle, here we have... the great Eggsterminatus: Easter Battle! Are you eggcited? EGGSTATIC EVEN!? Perhaps... but in either case, prepare for an eggcellent game :P

Quick News Update
We are currently doing closed demo play testing. Before we get started on this batrep, here are some links to the project sites. Be sure to like us on Facebook! You can stay up to date on Facebook and here on the blog, though Facebook gets more regular updates while the blog is mostly dedicated to batreps.

Battlefield Royale Project Links:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldroyale

Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/battlefieldroyale/

Blogger Link: http://battlefieldroyale.blogspot.com.au/

The Eggstraordinary Briefing

After a brief visit from a mysterious, hooded messenger, you find that you have received a very strange letter, probably from a madman. The letter reads: 'You have been cordially invited to attend a picnic with your active army and some friends. We want you to have some fun and join us for a sweet, sweet feast in the meadows. One that you'll never forget.'

The letter is sealed with a sugary cocoa product and a paw print of some ancient Terran woodland creature. You smell a trap, but you find the notion of a battle exhilarating, so you're going to go with it.

Game Type

Victory Type

Victory Conditions
Capture Keeps (Chocolate Caches)
Seize & Control (Special Event)
Unknown Enemy + PVE Enemies

Game Length
Unknown Turn Limit (Special Event)

Points Limit

Capture the Keeps to secure a Chocolate Cache. The more your army is slain the more it will reduce your standing in the battle. Upon the capture of all Keeps, a new objective will appear. Golden Bunnies grant you an instant Conquest Point upon contact with any of your friendly units. You can also eat them straight away. Yum.


Deployment Zones
One player/team may deploy in Zone A or B. The other must deploy in the opposite zone. Reserves may deploy inside any keep that is already under control by your forces.


After players capture all of the Chocolate Caches (Keeps), something may happen in the 'Heart of the Forest'... will you crack the code to the mystery? Or will you be left with egg on face? Ah, the puns.

Click any image to enlarge or view in a slideshow!

Deployment Pics

Scroll down ahead to read about the game, starting at Turn 1

Turn 1

If you don't know already, in Battlefield Royale players take it in turns moving their units, kind of like Chess. The players began by 'carefully' moving towards the chick infested keeps. The trick with the chicks is that they were as tough as Chaos Spawn, had a molten chocolate breath attack and had an evade (invulnerable) save roll. They were tough as nails, and against some units, absolutely devastating. They could peck you into submission. Really!

The Blood Angel player, for this reason, decided to keep his distance during deployment so as to not draw their attention too early. He would rather strike them hard within their own Keep. He prepared his Thunderwolf Cavalry for a flank attack up the side...

For shooting, the Blood Angels let fly with all weapons, only inflicting a little damage on the nigh monstrous birds. However, the chicks with their attention now on the Blood Angels, would leave their little nest to fight in the Dash Phase and in the next turn...

The Razorback and Rhino were sent on a collection mission. Their target: Gold Bunnies!

The Emperor's Children player didn't care much for sneaking up. He placed his Chaos Dreadnought (I know they're Helbrutes, lol) in front, in preparation for assault. Upon shooting the Chicks, 3 returned fire with a Molten Chocolate Breath attack, which did not successfully damage the fleshy metallic beast.

The Rhino Tank containing Lucius, a Slaanesh Chaos Lord and Noise Marines with CCWs and a Banner of Excess, ran up the side to get some gold bunnies! :3  They didn't think to spearhead against the chicks...

The Noise Marines opened fire with their weaponry, dealing some damage against the chicks, however they were now provoked.

To sum it up, the Emperor's Children were too busy thinking how they could best enjoy the moment rather than take the Keep!

The Dreadnought charged the Chicks, perhaps an unwise tactic when the Noise Marines could have fired on them for another turn. Oh well, such details did not matter when the Dreadnought wanted to play with the little chickies.

Turn 2

In Turn 2, the Blood Angels turned up the heat at their local Keep and captured another Gold Bunny. All who could shoot did so on the Chicks. After enduring some Molten Chocolate Breaths, they prepared for a heavy close combat.

Chick: "What is that green poop cube on the ground?"

Dreadnoughts and Thunderwolves attacked the Chicks in melee and utterly destroyed them. The Keep was now in possession of the Blood Angels, who gained a friendly unit of Chicks as a 'Special Garrison' to defend it.

The Emperor's Children also collected a Gold Bunny this turn, but largely didn't do anything as the Chaos Dreadnought was engaged in melee with the Chicks, preventing them from shooting the vile birds.

Most of the infantry simply re-positioned to benefit from Area Terrain in the forests. As for the melee with the Chicks, they failed to hurt the Dreadnought but the Dreadnought managed to do some light damage.

Turn 3

With the Blood Angels in possession of the Keep, they began to re-position themselves to observe the outcome of the fight at the other Keep. 

There were still Death Company and Tactical Marines to join the fight, and they were eagerly waiting inside their transports. Will it end well? Time will tell.

Lucius and friends disembark, ready to help fight the Chicks!

The Emperor's Children realized the severity of the situation and committed Lucius and his bodyguard to fighting the Chick menace instead of the Blood Angels... not before picking up another Gold Bunny first :3

By this point, one of the Noise Marine units had reached the forest for some Area Terrain cover. Due to the nature of sonic weaponry, they needed to remain stationary to optimize damage.  The second noise marine unit was still moving for the trees.

The Chicks joined the Blood Angel forces to act as a Garrison for the Keep!

Turn 4

By this stage, it was fast turning into a battle between three factions at the Keep near the Emperor's Children deployment area. The Blood Angels were sweeping in from both sides of the Keep, while Lucius, his retinue and the Chaos Dreadnought fought the Chicks from within.

It was now finally that the Noise Marines had an opportunity for destruction. This turn, the Rhino was taken out with a successful volley of sonic attacks, forcing the Tactical Marines to disembark at the end of the Ranged Phase. The other Noise Marines were not so fortunate - their ranged attacks only did mild damage to the Razorback. Also concerning was that the Blood Angel Dreadnoughts were on their way for some action.

Noise Marines wreck the Blood Angel Rhino

Turn 5

Ominously, a large golden egg appeared in the 'Heart of the Forest' section of the board. What was it? What was it's purpose? Capturing the Keeps would reveal all, but the Emperor's Children were not getting the job done quick enough.

At this point of the game, it was clear that most of the fighting would take place in the Keep still occupied by the Chicks, near the Emperor's Children deployment. The question remained as to what the Blood Angel player would do... attempt to overwhelm the second Keep, or mildly assist the enemy player? Lucius and his bodyguard was no pushover, with faster reflexes, a variety of attacks and Feel No Pain: it would take some effort to clear them out.

The Blood Angels and Noise Marines exchanged fire. The Noise Marines did a devastating blast attack using the Blastmaster. Although the damage was sufficient to wipe the Blood Angels out, they got the chance to shoot before being removed - they paid the Noise Marines back, but didn't completely wipe them out. A different unit would need to finish them off.

The Thunderwolves wreck Lucius' 'pimpin' ride while he was distracted fighting Chicks. From here, they headed outside the Keep to assault the Chicks from a different angle.

Lucius, the Chaos Dreadnought along with the other Chaos Marines were steadily defeating the Chicks, but it wasn't enough. They were very tough birdies!

Turn 6

Dreadnoughts begin to enter the equation this turn. Big time. One of the Dreadnoughts finishes off the damaged Noise Marine unit and later charges to attack the Chaos Dreadnought (who is still engaged with the Chicks). Another one goes after Lucius' unit, and yet another Dreadnought sits back just in case things go belly up, taking shots at a different Noise Marine unit.

The Thunderwolves came in to attack and make up for the defeated Tactical Marines. The Thunderwolves, whether out of pity or general thirst for carnage, joined the melee involving the Chaos Dreadnought, Lucius with bodyguard and the Chicks. The Thunderwolves charged from the Chicks' side, trying to clear them out (that egg inside the forest was suspicious!). The attack was helpful against the chicks - they were defeated by a team effort! However, the combat would not end there - they would next go for the Chaos Marines...

The Razorback and one of the Dreadnoughts shoot the Noise Marine Unit in a forest.

The Blood Angel Dreadnought and the Chaos Dreadnought play a deadly game of punchies. The Chaos one was already damaged, so it was easily finished. However, it did manage to get some hits into the Blood Angel Dreadnought as it went down!

Let's play punchies!

Things are looking a little bleak for Chaos, but the Emperor's Children hold. Every sensation was worth savouring. Every morsel. The Blood Angels weren't backing down either though!

Turn 7

In this turn, the last of the Noise Marines went down - Sternguard combi-weapons, the Razorback and a Dreadnought had been shooting them, and they couldn't take it. The only unit standing for the Emperor's Children was Lucius with his Chaos Lord buddy and bodyguard.  Still auite powerful units.

The Blood Angel Dreadnoughts were finished off by some lucky krak grenades in close combat. The Thunderwolves had been beaten by Lucius and the Chaos Lord, so without any enemies left in the Keep... it had finally been captured... for Chaos! They also had received a Chick Garrison of their own.

So in summary, by the end of the Turn, the Emperor's Children managed to repel the Blood Angels and seize the Keep (and received Chick Guardians of their own), but both sides had suffered grievous damage. That said, their problems were not to end there...

A new threat loomed over the horizon. The Keeps had been all captured, so...

Dun dun duuuuuuun!

Turn 8

Don't let the innocent, adorable appearance deceive you... A dreaded opponent, the Bunny was as powerful as a Greater Daemon (akin in power to a Great Unclean One), and had an improved Molten Chocolate Breath attack. Both players had trespassed in its territory- they had both broken the rules of the beloved picnic mentioned in the briefing. It was angry. It wanted vengeance.

The 'Golden Egg' that it guarded was a bomb of incredible power. In fact, the players would have to at least form a temporary truce to deal with the greater threat.

The Bunny, wary of the adversaries before it, advanced so that it could tackle either player. It first breathed it's chocolate breath upon the Emperor's Children, but poor dice rolls from the Bunny combined with Feel No Pain mitigated most of the effects.

The Bunny would need to be slain ASAP, yet with spare shots, the Blood Angels and Emperor's Children took some cheap shots at each other - the Sternguard Bolters failed to damage, nor did the Chaos Lord hurt them with his Brand of Skarathax. Such is the luck of the dice!  It was fortunate that the special flamer did not damage the Blood Angels, for their poisoned Boltgun ammo would be valuable against the mighty Bunny...

At the end of the turn, a dice was rolled to see if the bomb would go off yet. A '6' was needed for it to trigger...

The dice was rolled and hovered between 5 and 6....but just went back to 5. Close call! So close to a 6 you could almost taste it...

Turn 9 was next.

Turn 9

The Emperor's Children and the Blood Angels fully truce to deal with the Bunny. The Bunny's Breath attack was even more dangerous than that of the Chick's - it ignored both cover and armour! 

Both Lucius with his unit and the Blood Angels fired everything they had at the monstrous Bunny. 

The Bunny's breath could damage any unit including vehicles on a 4+, which the Bunny managed to pull off against the Blood Angel Dreadnought. Ouch! It still had some HP to spare though.

The Bunny was very difficult to damage, but after two turns of shooting and with some extra bite from poisoned Bolters (thank you Sternguard), the great beast was taken down. Amazing! It was a moment worth celebrating as the odds were against both marine factions.

Target: Neutralized

The problems weren't necessarily over yet however. The players still had to deal with the bomb. The Emperor's Children in particular were concerned the Blood Angels would betray them while attempting to disarm it next turn, so temporarily withdrew into the nearby Keep.

Whether it was a wise decision or not, the next D6 Roll would determine the fate of the players, as it was end of turn and another chance for the bomb to go 'ka-boom' was about to happen.

A D6 of 5+ would cause the bomb to explode on this turn and end the game.... and a 5 was rolled! OH NO!

So although the Bunny was defeated, the bomb blew before being diffused...

The Victor?

Disappointingly, or perhaps to your excitement as the spectator, everything was destroyed. The egg bomb wasn't diffused before it blew, therefore, the players both had egg on face... and no models left. Some of the Garrison Chicks did survive on both sides though, oddly enough, but that meant little in light of what happened!

Had a player reached it, there would've been an opportunity for the player to hack the egg's console, and attempt to disarm it. Had that been successful, the players could have fought over that giant egg for come extra Conquest Points (and also take it home to eat!), but alas, it was not to be...


Both of us (I was the Emperor's Children player) had a blast playing (no pun was intended on that, really!). As I type, I'm hoping to do this as multiplayer or team vs. team, but maybe another day.

At this stage, the next seasonal/event game is to be Halloween, but we will have many other exciting (resisted an egg joke) missions, battles or maybe a campaign.

We'd love to hear your feedback! Feel free to share this with your friends and rival generals too!

Battlefield Royale Project Links:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldroyale

Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/battlefieldroyale/

Blogger Link: http://battlefieldroyale.blogspot.com.au/

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